
Data Abstraction

The Data Abstraction Team Teach by Nandan, Arnav, Torin, and Remy was an insightful and engaging session. It covered essential concepts related to data abstraction, variables, data types, and more. As a student, I found this team teach to be a valuable learning experience, and I’d like to share my reflections on each section:

3.1 Variables And Assignments:

  • The explanation about variables and their importance was clear. I learned that variables are essential for storing data, which can be of various types, including integers, booleans, lists, strings, and dictionaries.
  • The example with variable naming conventions made it easier to understand how to create meaningful and readable variable names.
  • The “Popcorn Hack #1” was a fun exercise to apply what we learned about variables.

3.2 Data Abstractions - Lists & Strings:

  • Lists and strings are a way to store multiple pieces of data in one variable.
  • We practiced accessing data in lists and strings using indexes (starting from 0).
  • The “Popcorn Hack #4” let us create our own lists.

3.2 Data Abstraction:

  • Data abstraction means focusing on the essential details and hiding the rest.
  • The class “Person” example showed how data can be abstracted using classes.
  • The homework assignments were a good way to reinforce learning.

Converting string to and from JSON:

  • JSON is used to represent structured data, and we can convert strings to JSON and vice versa using the json module.


  • We practiced identifying variable types and created small programs to apply what we learned.


The Algorithms Team Teach by Eshika, Aditi, Cindy, and Samhita introduced key concepts related to algorithms and mathematical operations. Here’s a brief summary of what I learned:

3.3 Mathematical Expressions:

  • Algorithms are like step-by-step instructions. The examples of baking cookies and getting ready in the morning helped me understand.
  • Sequencing, selection, and iteration are important parts of algorithms.
  • The explanation of selection and iteration, along with the code example, made it easier to grasp.

3.3 Continued - Mathematical Operations:

  • I learned about basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus.
  • The order of operations in math was clarified.
  • The provided code examples and “Popcorn Hack #2” reinforced these concepts.

3.4 Strings:

  • Strings are just sequences of characters.
  • I learned how to find the number of characters in a string, merge strings, and extract substrings.
  • These concepts were made practical and easy to understand.

Pseudo Code vs Python:

  • The difference between Python and Pseudo Code was explained. Python is a programming language, while Pseudo Code is a simplified way to describe an algorithm.
  • I saw code examples in both Python and Pseudo Code, which helped me understand the transition between them.

Logic Gates in Python:

  • Logic gates are used for decision-making.
  • The examples of AND gates made it clear how they work.

De Morgan’s Law:

  • De Morgan’s Law can change statements from AND to OR by negating terms.
  • It’s useful for working with logic gates and algorithms.

Homework Hacks:

  • The homework hack to find Fibonacci sequence values using an algorithm was a practical exercise that consolidated our learning.

In summary, the Algorithms Team Teach was a valuable learning experience that introduced us to algorithms, mathematical operations, and logic gates through clear explanations and practical examples.

Boolean If

The Boolean If Team Teach by Kyle Liang, Ian Wu, Trevor Huang, and Jason Guan was a comprehensive session that covered if statements, boolean expressions, and more. Here’s a concise overview of what I learned:

Boolean Data Type:

  • I learned that boolean data can only be true or false. It was clarified that assigning a number like 1 to a boolean doesn’t make it a boolean anymore.
  • The examples helped to grasp the concept effectively.


  • If-statements run a specific part of code when a given condition is met. The use of if-else statements was well explained.
  • The modulo operation was introduced, making it easier to understand the concept through an example.

Relational Operators:

  • Relational operators are used to compare two variables, producing a boolean result.
  • The operators like ‘==’, ‘!=’, ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘>=’, and ‘<=’ were explained with clear examples.

Hack #1: Relational Operators:

  • I had a practical exercise to create a program that compares two numbers and displays the larger one, stating if they are equal.
  • The challenge to compare two words alphabetically was also intriguing.

Logic Gates:

  • Logic gates combine boolean values into a single boolean value. They are the building blocks of computer logic.
  • Basic boolean operators like AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR were introduced with their truth tables.

Hack #2: AND in Python:

  • I was able to enhance the provided code by adding an ‘else’ statement, renaming variables, and changing their values to explore different outputs.

Hack #3: NOT in Python:

  • Following the ‘AND in Python’ hack, I added an ‘else’ statement to handle false conditions. The real-life application was also discussed.

Hack #4: XOR in Python:

  • Similar to the previous hacks, I added ‘else’ output for XOR and explored different combinations of boolean values.

Homework Hacks:

  • The concept of XNOR gate was presented, and I created tables demonstrating its input and output values.
  • Python functions for three logic gates were developed. An interactive program to grade homework using only two logic gates was introduced as a challenging task.

In summary, the Boolean If Team Teach provided a clear understanding of boolean data types, if-statements, relational operators, and logic gates. The practical exercises and examples made the concepts easily accessible.


The Iteration Team Teach by Advik, Srijan, Akhil, and Aashray introduced the concepts of iteration in Python, drawing from College Board lessons 3.7 and 3.8. Here’s a concise breakdown of what I learned:


  • The lesson kicked off by emphasizing the importance of loops in programming for handling repetitive tasks.
  • It previewed the topics that would be covered in the session, including various types of loops and advanced loop techniques.

For Loops:

  • For loops are used to iterate over sequences like lists, tuples, strings, or ranges.
  • A simple example illustrated how to loop through a list of fruits, displaying each item.

While Loops:

  • While loops are used to execute a block of code as long as a condition remains true.
  • A straightforward example showed how to count and display numbers using a while loop.

Looping with Lists and Dictionaries:

  • Looping through elements of lists and dictionaries was explained with clear examples.
  • The importance of the FOR EACH loop construct was emphasized.

Looping with Index Variable:

  • Range functions were introduced to create loops with index variables.
  • An example demonstrated how to loop through a list using an index variable.

Nested If Statements:

  • Conditional statements can be nested inside for loops for executing different code based on conditions.
  • A for loop with nested if statements was demonstrated.


  • The try and except blocks within loops for handling errors gracefully were explained.
  • The practical usage of try/except in production code was emphasized.

Continue and Break:

  • Continue and break statements were introduced for skipping iterations or exiting loops prematurely.
  • An example demonstrated their use within a for loop.

Nested For Loops:

  • Nested for loops can be used to create loops within loops, allowing complex iteration patterns.
  • An example illustrated nested loops for group names.

Iteration via Recursion:

  • The concept of iteration via recursion was presented, where a function calls itself.
  • An example calculated the factorial using recursion.


  • A challenging homework assignment was presented. It involved adding student names with grades to a dictionary until the user decides not to add more students.
  • User input, nested if/else statements, finding the highest score, and adding passing students to a new list were key components.

In summary, the Iteration Team Teach covered a wide range of iterative concepts in Python, making it easier to understand loops, nested loops, error handling, and even recursion. The practical examples and homework assignment offered valuable hands-on experience with these concepts.

Developing Algorithms

The Developing Algorithms Team Teach by Imaad, Anika, Tanay, and Ananya covered key concepts related to algorithms and problem-solving. Here’s a condensed overview of the topics discussed:


  • The team teach began by defining what an algorithm is - a procedure or formula used for solving problems.
  • It highlighted that algorithms have sequences of events, inputs, and outputs.
  • The importance of algorithms in various aspects of life, such as routine tasks, was emphasized.

Psuedo Code Examples:

  • Two sets of pseudo code examples were presented to demonstrate conditional logic.
  • They covered determining if the temperature outside is too hot, too cold, or suitable for playing.
  • The differences between the two sets of pseudo code were explained.

Conditionals vs Booleans:

  • The team teach introduced the concepts of conditionals and booleans.
  • A comparison was made between a conditional-based algorithm and a boolean-based algorithm.
  • The correct boolean-based algorithm was identified.

Robot Movement Challenge:

  • A challenge was presented where participants had to navigate a robot through a grid of white and black squares.
  • Commands such as MOVE_FORWARD, ROTATE_LEFT, ROTATE_RIGHT, and CAN_MOVE were provided.
  • The objective was to move the robot to the gray square with the fewest possible commands.

Combining Selection and/or Iteration:

  • Participants were tasked with creating an algorithm to determine the cost of an item with discount and tax.
  • The algorithm considered green and red tags on items and applied appropriate discounts and tax calculations.

Famous Collatz Conjecture:

  • The Collatz Conjecture, a mathematical problem involving a sequence of numbers, was introduced.
  • An algorithm was presented to calculate and display the sequence of numbers for a given positive integer following the conjecture.

Robot Movement Challenge (Popcorn Hack #3):

  • A given algorithm for moving a robot in a course was examined.
  • The algorithm had issues, and participants were asked to identify and fix the problems.
  • The commands MOVE_FORWARD, ROTATE_LEFT, ROTATE_RIGHT, and CAN_MOVE were used to create a working algorithm.


  • The homework assignment required creating an algorithm for a player’s turn in a game.
  • Each player had four chances to generate a random number between 1 and 10.
  • The player’s score was determined by the highest number obtained among the four attempts.

In summary, the Developing Algorithms Team Teach covered a wide range of algorithmic concepts, including conditional logic, boolean expressions, problem-solving challenges, mathematical conjectures, and practical problem-solving tasks. The examples and challenges provided valuable hands-on experience in algorithm development and understanding.

The Lists and Search Team Teach by Brandon, Ninaad, Aaron, and Eshaan covered important concepts related to Python lists and search algorithms. Below is a condensed overview of the topics discussed:


  • A Python list is an ordered and changeable collection of data objects, which can include a mixture of objects.
  • Lists are indexed starting from 0, where the first element is accessed as list[0].
  • Key list functions were introduced, including creating a list and appending elements to it.
  • Participants were shown how to access elements within a list and how to delete elements using “del.”
  • The concept of assigning one list to another was explained.
  • The length of a list was determined using the len function.
  • Iterating through a list and performing operations on each element was demonstrated.

Popcorn Hack #1:

  • The challenge involved creating a list with user input, containing objects with different data types.
  • The first element in the list was removed using del, and the resulting list was printed.
  • Linear search was introduced as a basic way to search for elements in a list.
  • The algorithm compares each value to the previous value, updating the minimum value if a smaller value is found.
  • The minimum value in the list is identified using linear search.

Popcorn Hack #3:

  • The challenge required creating a linear search algorithm to determine the maximum value in a list.
  • Binary search, a more efficient search algorithm, was explained.
  • It is used on sorted arrays and starts by comparing a middle element with the target value.
  • Depending on the comparison, the search continues in either the lower or upper half of the array.
  • Binary search has a best-case complexity of O(1) and worst-case complexity of O(log₂n).

Homework Hack:

  • The homework challenge tasked participants with creating a binary search algorithm to search for the value 25 in a sorted list.


The Procedures Team Teach by Eric, Gurshawn, Hanlun, and Yeongsu covered essential concepts related to developing procedures and classes in Python. Below is a simplified overview of the topics discussed:


  • A procedure is a named group of code with parameters and return values.
  • Procedures are known as methods or functions depending on the language.
  • Procedures take input values (parameters) and return values.
  • Parameters are input values specified by arguments, making the code more readable and organized.

Return Value:

  • A return value is the value that a function or method returns when called.
  • Procedures can return values that must be stored in variables for later use.

Popcorn Hack 1:

  • Demonstrated the use of procedures in calculating prices with discounts and taxes.
  • Apply discount and tax procedures were shown, and the final price was calculated.

What Are Functions?

  • Functions are collections of code that divide a large program into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • They improve code readability, reduce repetition, enhance efficiency, and provide better organization.
  • Functions consist of a declaration, parameters (input), functionality, and a return value.
  • Calling a function involves providing arguments to its parameters.

Popcorn Hack 2:

  • Created a function that returns the difference between two numbers.

What Is a Class?

  • A class is an outline for a set of nested functions and variables.
  • Classes include instance variables, functions, a constructor method, toString method, getter and setter methods.
  • Constructor method is required and initializes class attributes.
  • Getter methods access attribute values, and setter methods modify them.
  • The toString method returns a string representation of the object.

Popcorn Hack 3:

  1. Created a Car class with attributes: model, vehicle name, and price.
  2. Generated instances for different car models with details.


Assignment 1: How do you use functions?

  • The challenge involved creating a Python function that takes a parameter specifying the number of sides.
  • The function draws a shape corresponding to the number of sides using the Turtle module.
  • Participants were prompted to call the function with user input as the argument.

Assignment 2: Creating a Student Class

  • The task was to create a student class with a constructor having three attributes: email, name, and grade.
  • Getter and setter methods were implemented for each attribute.
  • A toString method returned a formatted string with the student’s information.
  • Participants created an instance of the class corresponding to themselves.


The Libraries Team Teach by Abdullah, Lincoln, Sergi, and Ishan focused on the importance of libraries in Python programming and introduced various types of libraries. Here is a simplified overview of the topics discussed:


  • Libraries are files containing procedures that can be used in a program.
  • An Application Program Interface (API) specifies how library procedures can be used and interact with the rest of the code.

Types of Libraries:

  • Discussed various types of libraries used by modern-day companies, including Requests, Pillow, Pandas, NumPy, SciKit-Learn, TensorFlow, and Matplotlib.
  • Brief descriptions of each library’s purpose were provided.

Popcorn Hack 1:

  • Demonstrated how procedures can simplify code by using the “moveBackwards” procedure to rotate a triangle 180 degrees in a robot example.

Popcorn Hack 2:

  • Showed how to use the Pillow library to open and display images in Python.

Popcorn Hack 3:

  • Introduced NumPy for numerical computing and performed element-wise operations on two 1-dimensional NumPy arrays.

Popcorn Hack 4:

  • Created a bar chart to visualize monthly sales data using Matplotlib. The chart included labels for the x and y-axes.

Optional Popcorn Hack:

  • Encouraged participants to create fun and creative programs using various libraries, demonstrating an understanding of their usage.


  • Assigned a homework task to create a Python program that uses NumPy to generate sine and cosine functions over a specified range, and then use Matplotlib to create a plot showing both functions on the same graph. The program should include appropriate labels, titles, and a legend.