My pokemom game consisted of 2 parts, the html and the javascript. The html file was the outline of the game and basically was the blueprint that made this game. This html code called the javascript code as the brains of the operation to essentially code the logic of the game and how it would all work.

<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Pokemon Game</title>
    <hr>Too play, use WASD to move around and collect the Pokeballs. You will have 60 seconds to collec t as many balls as possible. Have fun!<hr>
    <hr>Too easy? Press the "M" key<hr>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="timer" id="timer">Time: 30s</div>
    <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="500"></canvas>
    <script src="Pokescript.js"></script>
    <canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="460"></canvas>

For the javascript part of the game, it features a HTML canvas game with a 30-second timer. It features a player character that can be moved with arrow keys to collect randomly moving Pokéballs, avoiding collisions with obstacles like a house and boundaries. The game keeps track of the player’s score and includes background music and sound effects. When the timer runs out, it displays a “Game Over” message with the final score.

 * Pokemon HTML5 canvas game
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @author Panagiotis Vourtsis <>
window.onload = function() {
    'use strict';

    var startTime =; // Record the start time
    var timerInterval = setInterval(updateTimer, 1000); // Update the timer every 1 second
    function updateTimer() {
        var currentTime =;
        var elapsedTime = Math.floor((currentTime - startTime) / 1000); // Calculate elapsed time in seconds

        if (elapsedTime <= 30) {
            // Update the timer value
            var remainingTime = 30 - elapsedTime;
            document.getElementById('timer').textContent = 'Time: ' + remainingTime + 's';
        } else {
            clearInterval(timerInterval); // Stop the timer when 30 seconds have passed
            // You can add game-over logic here
            alert('Game Over! Your final score: ' + score);

     * Handle all the updates of the canvas and creates the objects
     * @function
     * @name update
    function update() {
        ctx.drawImage(terrainImage, 0, 0);
        ctx.drawImage(houseImage, 80, 60);


            pokeball.spritePosition * pokeball.spriteItemDistance,
            pokeball.x * objectSizes,
            pokeball.y * objectSizes,

            objectSizes - 2,
            player.x * objectSizes,
            player.y * objectSizes,

    var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    var w = document.getElementById('canvas').offsetWidth;
    var h = document.getElementById('canvas').offsetHeight;
    var terrainImageLoaded = false,
      houseImageLoaded = false,
      pokeballImageLoaded = false,
      playerImageLoaded = false;
    var objectSizes = 20;
    var speed = 100;
    var modifier = 100;
    var score = 0;
    var pokeballMoving = false;
    var pokeballSpeed = 1;
    //terrain image
    var terrainImage = new Image();
    terrainImage.onload = function() {
      terrainImageLoaded = true;
    terrainImage.src = '';
    //house image
    var houseImage = new Image();
    houseImage.onload = function() {
      houseImageLoaded = true;
    houseImage.src = '';
    //main sound
    var mainTheme = new Audio('');
    mainTheme.loop = true;
    mainTheme.volume = 0.5;;
    var pokePick = new Audio('');
    pokePick.volume = 0.8;
    //player image
    var playerImage = new Image();
    playerImage.onload = function() {
      pokeballImageLoaded = true;
    playerImage.src = '';
    //pokeball image
    var pokeballImage = new Image();
    pokeballImage.onload = function() {
      playerImageLoaded = true;
    pokeballImage.src = '';

     * It will hold all the pockeball data like x and y axis position
     * sprite position and item distance is for determine which item is selected from the sprite - @todo future use for knowing on score which one player picked
     * Also hold the generate position function that generates random positions if there is no collision.
     * @Object
     * @name pokeball
    var pokeball = {
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      spritePosition: 0,
      spriteItemDistance: 33,
    pokeball.generatePosition = function() {
      do {
        pokeball.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
        pokeball.y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 4;
      } while (check_collision(pokeball.x, pokeball.y));
      pokeball.spritePosition = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 0; // get position from 0-4
    function movePokeballRandomly() {
        if (!pokeballMoving) {
          pokeballMoving = true;
          // Move the pokeball at regular intervals
          var moveInterval = setInterval(function () {
            // Generate random directions for both x and y axes (0 for no movement, 1 for left/up, 2 for right/down)
            var randomDirectionX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
            var randomDirectionY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
            // Apply the random directions to move the pokeball
            if (randomDirectionX === 1) {
              pokeball.x -= pokeballSpeed;
            } else if (randomDirectionX === 2) {
              pokeball.x += pokeballSpeed;
            if (randomDirectionY === 1) {
              pokeball.y -= pokeballSpeed;
            } else if (randomDirectionY === 2) {
              pokeball.y += pokeballSpeed;
            // Check if the pokeball is out of bounds and reverse its direction
            if (pokeball.x < 0 || pokeball.x > 19) {
              pokeball.x = Math.min(19, Math.max(0, pokeball.x)); // Keep the pokeball within bounds
              randomDirectionX = 0; // Stop the x-axis movement
            if (pokeball.y < 4 || pokeball.y > 19) {
              pokeball.y = Math.min(19, Math.max(4, pokeball.y)); // Keep the pokeball within bounds
              randomDirectionY = 0; // Stop the y-axis movement
            // Redraw the game
            // Check for collisions and handle them here
            if (player.x == pokeball.x && player.y == pokeball.y) {
              // Found a pokeball! Create a new one.
              console.log('Found a pokeball of ' + pokeball.spritePosition + '! Bravo!');
              pokePick.currentTime = 0;
              score += 1;
              clearInterval(moveInterval); // Stop the current movement
              pokeballMoving = false; // Reset the pokeball movement flag
              movePokeballRandomly(); // Start a new random movement
          }, 100); // Adjust the interval to control the speed of movement

     * Holds all the player's info like x and y axis position, his current direction (facing).
     * I have also incuded an object to hold the sprite position of each movement so i can call them
     * I also included the move function in order to move the player - all the functionality for the movement is in there
     * @Object
     * @name pokeball
    var player = {
      x: Math.round(w / 2 / objectSizes),
      y: Math.round(h / 2 / objectSizes),
      currentDirection: 'stand',
      direction: {
        stand: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
        'down-1': {
          x: 17,
          y: 0,
        'down-2': {
          x: 34,
          y: 0,
        'up-1': {
          x: 125,
          y: 0,
        'up-2': {
          x: 142,
          y: 0,
        'left-1': {
          x: 69,
          y: 0,
        'left-2': {
          x: 87,
          y: 0,
        'right-1': {
          x: 160,
          y: 0,
        'right-2': {
          x: 178,
          y: 0,
    player.move = function(direction) {
       * A temporary object to hold the current x, y so if there is a collision with the new coordinates to fallback here
      var hold_player = {
        x: player.x,
        y: player.y,
       * Decide here the direction of the user and do the neccessary changes on the directions
      switch (direction) {
        case 'left':
          player.x -= speed / modifier;
          if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
            player.currentDirection = 'left-1';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'left-1') {
            player.currentDirection = 'left-2';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'left-2') {
            player.currentDirection = 'left-1';
          } else {
            player.currentDirection = 'left-1';
        case 'right':
          player.x += speed / modifier;
          if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
            player.currentDirection = 'right-1';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'right-1') {
            player.currentDirection = 'right-2';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'right-2') {
            player.currentDirection = 'right-1';
          } else {
            player.currentDirection = 'right-1';
        case 'up':
          player.y -= speed / modifier;
          if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
            player.currentDirection = 'up-1';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'up-1') {
            player.currentDirection = 'up-2';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'up-2') {
            player.currentDirection = 'up-1';
          } else {
            player.currentDirection = 'up-1';
        case 'down':
          player.y += speed / modifier;
          if (player.currentDirection == 'stand') {
            player.currentDirection = 'down-1';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'down-1') {
            player.currentDirection = 'down-2';
          } else if (player.currentDirection == 'down-2') {
            player.currentDirection = 'down-1';
          } else {
            player.currentDirection = 'down-1';

      document.onkeydown = function (e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        // Change the controls to W, A, S, and D
        if (e.key === 'A' || e.key === 'a') player.move('left');
        else if (e.key === 'W' || e.key === 'w') player.move('up');
        else if (e.key === 'D' || e.key === 'd') player.move('right');
        else if (e.key === 'S' || e.key === 's') player.move('down');
        else if (e.key === 'M' || e.key === 'm') {
          movePokeballRandomly(); // Call the updated function to move the pokeball randomly
       * if there is a collision just fallback to the temp object i build before while not change back the direction so we can have a movement
      if (check_collision(player.x, player.y)) {
        player.x = hold_player.x;
        player.y = hold_player.y;
       * If player finds the coordinates of pokeball the generate new one, play the sound and update the score
      if (player.x == pokeball.x && player.y == pokeball.y) {
        // found a pokeball !! create a new one
        console.log('found a pokeball of ' + pokeball.spritePosition + '! Bravo! ');
        pokePick.currentTime = 0;;
        score += 1;
     * Handle all the updates of the canvas and creates the objects
     * @function
     * @name update
    function update() {
      ctx.drawImage(terrainImage, 0, 0);
      ctx.drawImage(houseImage, 80, 60);
        pokeball.spritePosition * pokeball.spriteItemDistance,
        pokeball.x * objectSizes,
        pokeball.y * objectSizes,
      console.log('y:', (player.y * objectSizes) / objectSizes);
      console.log('x', (player.x * objectSizes) / objectSizes);
        objectSizes - 2,
        player.x * objectSizes,
        player.y * objectSizes,
     * Our function that decides if there is a collision on the objects or not
     * @function
     * @name check_collision
     * @param {Integer} x - The x axis
     * @param {Integer} y - The y axis
    function check_collision(x, y) {
      var foundCollision = false;
      if ((x > 3 && x < 9 && y == 6) || (x > 4 && x < 9 && (y == 5 || y == 4 || y == 3))) {
        //collision on house
        console.log('on house');
        foundCollision = true;
      if (
        x < 1 ||
        x > 20 ||
        y < 2 ||
        y > 20 ||
        (y > 0 && y < 4 && (x == 20 || x == 19)) || //right corner
        (y > 0 && y < 4 && (x == 2 || x == 3)) || //left corner
        (y > 18 && (x == 2 || x == 3)) || //left corner
        (x > 17 && (y == 19 || y == 20)) || //left corner
        (x > 19 && (y == 17 || y == 18)) //left corner 2
      ) {
        console.log('lost on the woods');
        foundCollision = true;
      return foundCollision;
     * Here we are creating our board on the bottom right with our score
     * @todo maybe some mute button for the future?
     * @function
     * @name board
    function board() {
      ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)';
      ctx.fillRect(w - 100, h - 70, 100, 70);
      ctx.font = '18px Arial';
      ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
      ctx.fillText('You Found', w - 93, h - 45);
      ctx.font = '14px Arial';
      ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
      ctx.fillText(score + ' poke balls', w - 85, h - 25);
     * Decide here if all the assets are ready to start updating
     * @function
     * @name assetsLoaded
    function assetsLoaded() {
        if (
          terrainImageLoaded == true &&
          houseImageLoaded == true &&
          pokeballImageLoaded == true &&
          playerImageLoaded == true
        ) {
          // Add an event listener to start the pokeball movement when the 'M' key is pressed
          document.onkeydown = function (e) {
            e = e || window.event;
            if (e.keyCode == '37') player.move('left');
            else if (e.keyCode == '38') player.move('up');
            else if (e.keyCode == '39') player.move('right');
            else if (e.keyCode == '40') player.move('down');
            else if (e.key == 'm') {
              movePokeballRandomly(); // Call the updated function to move the pokeball randomly