Final Project Daily Plan

  • For our final project, we must make a plan/keep track of everyrthing we do for the next two weeks to ensure that we work efficently to maximise the amount of work we complete.

Day 1: Friday(5/17)

  • What to complete: We aim to make to make a template of our plan for who will complete what and what will we do for out feature that follows all the rewuirments. Essential make a rough draft of our plan since Aidan wasn’t here that day. We finalize this plan on Monday.
  • What was completed: Today, Jared completed a rought draft of the plan since Aidan wasn’t here, but a lost was still to be discussed when Aiden gets back

Day 2: Monday(5/20)

  • What to complete: We aimed to come up with an idea that fit all the requirments and decided to start making the feature.
  • What was completed: We ended up coming up with an idea of making a digital fridge. We made a new repositroy and started researching on how we could complete this project. We continued to tweak our plan.

Day 3: Tuesday(5/21)

  • What to complete: Continue to work on our project and begin on creating the feature. Work both backend and frontend.
  • What was completed: We realized that we did not need to create a whole new repository and add our feature there. We decided it would be best to just simply add on to our already existing repository and add a feature that follows all the requirments on there. We finalized our plan and began to work on our feature. Our new feature will be to sort aplicants by their work experince so that the employer can hire the emplyee that best fits their requirments.

Day 4: Wednesday(5/22)

  • What to complete: Research different algorithms that could loop through and sort the apllicants so that we can add it to our code.
  • What we completed: We completed exactly this and researched many different ways we could loop through and sort the aplicants. We decided to use the bubble sort method by using 2d iteration(2 for loops).

Day 5: Thursday(5/23)

  • What to complete: Today’s goal is to put the algorithm in the code successfully and use postman to fetch this algorithm to ensure it is working.
  • What we completed: We got everything done that we wanted to do today and the algorithm work successfully. So far, so good, and no major setbacks.

Day 6: Friday(5/24)

  • What to complete: Create a working frontend that uses fetch to return the sorted applicants by experience level.
  • What we completed: We created an algorithm that sorted the applicants in a order from most to least experince with a click of a button

Weekend: Saturday(5/25) to Monday(5/27)

  • What to complete: Over the weekend, we aim to deploy for our backend to ensure were ready for NATM.
  • What we completed: We attempted to deploy but there were problems with assigning the port to the server. We will get help on Tuesday and finnish deployment.

Day 10: Tuesday(5/28)

  • What to complete: Today, we must ensure we deploy our backend during class in case the servers crash.
  • What we completed: We successfully deployed our backend and are now finalizing our website for NATM.

Day 11: Wednesday(5/29)

  • Today is Night of the Museum and we are very prepared and excited to present!!!