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- We can run functions when an event happens
- In this case, we will add the p tag when the button is clicked
<!-- the ID must be specified on the elements -->
<button id="myButton">Click here!</button>
<div id="myContainer">
<h1 id="myTitle">My Title</h1>
<!-- our javascript goe here -->
// create a function => takes in text, returns created p
function createPTag(text) {
// creates a new element
var pElement = document.createElement("p")
// using the parameter like a variable
pElement.innerHTML = text
return pElement;
// create a function that sets specific text and adds to div
function addCoolPTag() {
// using our new function
var pTag = createPTag("cooler text")
// place the p element in the webpage
var div = document.getElementById("myContainer")
// add p tag to the div
// add the P tag when our button is clicked
var myButton = document.getElementById("myButton")
// using the onclick variable of the button
// functions can be used as values for these variables
myButton.onclick = addCoolPTag
My Title
- Copy your HTML code from the HTML hacks. Write a Javascript snippet to switch the links of the two a tags when a button is pressed. Once they are switched, change the inner HTML of the top p tag to the word “switched!”
/* Add CSS to style the button */
#myButton {
background-color: #333333;
color: #00FF00;
border-radius: 25px;
padding: 15px 30px;
transition: all 0.2s ease; /* Add transition for smooth size change */
<p id="message">Click the button below to switch the links and change the button color!</p>
<button id="myButton">Switch Button</button>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b65MoVwANq4&t=423s&ab_channel=HeyBearSensory" id="firstLink">Video 1</a>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwIjjcXg868&ab_channel=romder" id="secondLink">Video 2</a>
<p>One is a Batman video, the other is of dancing fruit.</p>
let fontSize = 24; // Initial font size
let padding = 15; // Initial padding size
function buttonClick() {
var firstLinkElement = document.getElementById('firstLink');
var secondLinkElement = document.getElementById('secondLink');
var messageElement = document.getElementById('message');
var buttonElement = document.getElementById('myButton');
var firstLinkHref = firstLinkElement.href;
var secondLinkHref = secondLinkElement.href;
firstLinkElement.href = secondLinkHref;
secondLinkElement.href = firstLinkHref;
// Change the button color randomly
var colors = ["#FF5733", "#33FF57", "#5733FF", "#FFFF33", "#33FFFF"];
var randomColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
buttonElement.style.backgroundColor = randomColor;
// Increase font size and padding on each click
fontSize += 2;
padding += 5;
// Apply the updated font size and padding
buttonElement.style.fontSize = fontSize + 'px';
buttonElement.style.padding = padding + 'px';
messageElement.innerHTML = 'Switched!';
var buttonElement = document.getElementById('myButton');
buttonElement.addEventListener('click', buttonClick);
Click the button below to switch the links and change the button color!